Thursday, July 13, 2006

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

There are just certain times of the month *ahem* when you do not change the routine on a female.  Like this morning.  Granted, last night I was up a bit later, working with this blog and trying to get things to look the way I wanted them to.  But it was already after 11:00 p.m. when the Brit said, "Oh, by the way, I have to go in early tomorrow so you'll need to get Aaron up for summer school."  Generally, this would not be an issue, but TOM is visiting and when TOM visits, I sleep like the dead.  Like the dead who have been dead for AWHILE. 

So, what it all boiled down to, was me not resetting the alarm when the Brit's alarm went off, Aaron missing his bus, and me having to drive him to school while still in my pajamas.  Anyone who has seen me in the morning will get a stunning mental picture.  Glasses, hair all flat and frizzy, blue flowered pjs.  I was a vision.  A VISION, I tell ya.  I could have stopped traffic and not in a good way!  I'm surprised Aaron didn't request to be left out on the corner in the event anyone should see us together and assume we were related.   I'm sure in a few years that will be the case!

So, no knitting today.  Had a terrible headache and the thumb is giving me some pain (doctors says it is normal with healing.).  The stitches came out a week ago and the incision feels good, but the nerves and tendons must still be ticked off over the surgery as OUCH.

The Brit took Aaron to a movie tonight, so I took JJ to dinner and then we went over to Shell's for a bit and I put an end to the "I don't know what to do about the dog" issue with Women of Faith.  Dog is now covered and Shell is now going!  YAY!

Camera hog.....

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