Saturday, December 26, 2009

I Survived; Did You All?

So Merry Christmas a day late!

The insanity is over and I am still alive.  The gifts were bought and ripped open, the cantata was sung (and no robe was worn thankyouverymuch), stockings were hung and filled and dinner was cooked and consumed.  Tod joined us for dinner as due to the weather he did not go to his mother's Christmas day, so that was great fun and I was happy to have him. 

Santa was good to me...running shoes purchased at a for real running store, where they actually WAIT ON YOU!  Did not even know that still happened here in the USA.  Found out my feet are exactly the same size, which is apparently rare, another thing I did not know.  Santa also brought me a slow cooker with a timer (YES!  I love slow cookers.  They are a true gift for anyone who does not enjoy cooking and/or has a busy schedule.) and a lovely bracelet and necklace set.  Santa gave The Brit golf stuff and still owes him a golf club which he didn't want until the weather turns into golf weather again.

Once the holidays are over I am going into detox for sugar and carbs.  It hasn't been awful yet far from good and of course, getting to the gym is always a challenge over Christmas other words, it really doesn't happen.  Also in the New Year I want to start running outside, which scares me a bit, but it will scare me until I do it.  My longest run thus far has been 25 minutes, so I have a way to go, but I have no set schedule; just listening to my body....though by the time the kids go back to school and I actually get to run again, my body is going to be pretty pissed off.

Tomorrow is our Christmas party and if you are reading this and usually come and did not get an invite, please come.  I rely far too much on Facebook, because it is easy; I can set up the event and manage my RSVPs etc.  I meant to put other invites in my Christmas cards but I was so late getting them out, it didn't happen and then church was canceled last Sunday due to snow, blah, blah, blah.  So anyway, tomorrow from 2-10 here at the house...c'mon over.  Then Monday it is off to NYC for a few days.

I am going to try to be a more regular blogger again once the holidays are over.  I have had a big ole break from it ever since screwing up my Blog365 and though I do not plan to going back to daily blogging (too much pressure) I do want to commit to at least 3-4 days a week.  Just give me this week of vacation to regroup and recover from the holidays.

And on a final note, my church, some friends and I were able to help out a friend and her family for Christmas and though I wish the circumstances were better for her, I also want to thank was my favorite gift I got this Christmas.  A reminder of what the season is all about.

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