Monday, December 27, 2010

Hooray! It's Over!

Okay, by a show of hands, who here thinks Jimnotmike should have his own blog?

Survived Christmas!  Yay!  I hate this holiday.  Christmas Eve was very pretty at St. John's, though it was odd not to be with the people I have been with most of my life on Christmas Eve.  But, they have a great choir, a bell choir and they had other musicians as well.  The sanctuary, which is incredibly beautiful (our contemporary service on Sundays is held in the Worship Center), was decorated in poinsettias, wreaths and white lights...breathtaking.  The sermon was excellent and the whole thing was just barely over an hour...about seven minutes over. 

The kids loved their cell phones and were very surprised.  The Genius showed evidence of growing up when he wanted me to open my gift first before he opened any of his.  I got my Kindle and love it!  The Brit loved his Redskins jersey and the Blue tooth keyboard for his iPad.  Mother came for dinner and Robyn came over later once the kids were gone for the night.

Sunday night, I had my youth kids from the old church over and it was awesome.  So good to see them and to feel as if no time had passed since I'd last seen them.  They will all be going different ways in the Fall, and that makes not being in the same church with them more bearable.  They still love me and we had a great time together.

Today, The Brit and I had lunch with Jimnotmike (who needs his own blog), MyTod and Kelly.  I had not seen Kelly in awhile and I always love catching up with her.  Tonight, Emily, Katie and I went to see "Black Swan"; quite a trip, not at all what I expected and very thought provoking. 

Listing all of this, I realize how fortunate I am; I have many good friends and many of them not associated with my former church.  I know many people who are not so fortunate.  They are all truly a blessing.

Now, for a quick side story that Strat will enjoy and I would like to hear her take on it.  Yesterday afternoon, I was at the grocery store to pick up a few things I needed for the youth gathering.  There were no small carts, and I could not be bothered to get a big cart, so my arms were laden down with a gallon of distilled water, two bags of chips and two containers of dip, and I still needed a sleeve of plastic cups.  Finding the cups, which were sort of blocked in by a stocking cart, I wedged myself in there, knocking something off the shelf in the process.  Grabbing the cups with two fingers, I heard a voice behind me...

"Well, hello! How are you?"

It was the Puppet Master's wife; one of the two people who started this whole mess.  I didn't even want to make eye contact and didn't have to at that moment as she stooped to pick up what I had knocked off the shelf, "Fine, thanks."

"How was your Christmas?"

"It was good, thank you." At this point, I am backing out from between the shelf and the stocking cart.  I am floored how this woman will not come into my office on "Bible" study day, but here she is approaching me in a store, when she could have just sneaked by; I wouldn't have even seen her as I heard her talking to me before I ever saw her.

Before I could escape, she said, "I know your arms are full, but let me hug you."

AND SHE DID. I'm sorry, but what is that all about?  Is she just trying to make herself look like a better person, or is it guilt related?  I am clueless. Would she have treated me differently had her Puppet Master husband had been with her?

Okay, tomorrow, I will start relating the California trip!  What was your favorite moment of Christmas?  Favorite gift?


  1. Man! She is kicking me to the curb already! So Kim...what'd you do the night before Christmas Eve? hmmmm???

    --JimNotMike (Who really is just kinda being snarky for the sake of being snarky)

  2. I vote YES for the JimNotMike blog - and I think that should be the blog title "JimNotMike"!

    Hmmmm...don't know Kim. I try to avoid church topics with my parents anymore cause we end up disagreeing (the Pastor and wife were at my parents on Christmas Day). I did hear my Dad say to Mom that they were the only friends the troublemakers had maybe she's trying to make-up! My mother always finds a way to bring up church...xmas eve she told me that Pastor had told her y'all joined another church, but she doesn't understand if you told her you were not a lutheran, why you would join a lutheran church! So Paul asked the obvious - what did she say? And mom insisted you told her straight to her face "I'm not a Lutheran". I said, "I think the comment is I'm a Christian before I'm a Lutheran. You apparently only chose to hear the last part." Paul said "Well that's entirely different than just not being a Lutheran." Which Mom agreed, but she wouldn't discuss it further.


  3. I vote yes to the JimnotMike blog! My hand is frantically waving in the air. I love Christmas. My family does Christmas morning with a huge breakfast. Scrambled eggs, fried eggs, bacon, sausage, country ham, fried potatoes and biscuits. Yum! I missed it last year due to the ginormous amount of snow we had but had a wonderful Christmas last year thanks to the Jones family.

  4. I am also very emphaticly waving for a JimnotMike blog...just don't be offended if I only log on once a week to catch up!!

    I enjoyed my Christmas very much. From KimsTod's party, to FPFX at JimnotMikes, and spending the day with my grandparents on the 25th. We decided a while back not to stress about the holiday because it's more about spending time together than gifts (and I really don't like to shop) so it's like any other time of the year, just with decorations.

    And the more I think about Black Swan, the more I like it - even though I had to look away at times. It kept me up last night wondering about different parts and I'm glad I saw it with people so we could talk about it.
