Friday, December 24, 2010

Why Are People So Offended?

So I was sitting at the American Red Cross this morning, waiting to give blood and they had the news on the television which is always enough to annoy me.  You would think on Christmas Eve, they could find something good to talk about but nah.  They were debating about this monument in Georgia, I think, where there were several different flags erected, one of the many flags being a Christian flag.  Of course, someone had to gripe about it so now they have some kind of lottery where people can decide what flag they want flown that month and now the question is, is that constitutional? 

Here are my issues.  I don't get why people get so offended.   I have friends who are Wiccan and if the Wicca people had a flag and it was flown at a monument along with a bunch of other flags, that would not offend me.  Now if the Wiccan flag was the ONLY flag being flown, that would be different.  The one woman on the news was saying that some of the soldiers who died for their country may not be Christian.  My thinking is "they are dead, do they really care what flags are flown there?" The other thing is that if my loved one was being remembered in that place, and let's say, we were Muslim, I would have no issue with another religion being represented.  I figure any "good thoughts" or prayers offered from anywhere are a good thing.  When I in a rough spot and my Wiccan friends say they will pray for me, it does not offend me that they are not praying to my beliefs.  Belief in a higher power is belief, no matter what you call that Being.  

My biggest issue is that it is Christmas Eve so is this a pot that really needed to be stirred up today?  Oy. Doesn't this country have bigger issues to deal with?

Anyway, it is Christmas Eve and no matter how much I am not a fan of Christmas, tonight I love.  Tonight is filled with anticipation for me, and candles and a feeling of reverence as we sit on the precipice of something wonderful.  I love tonight.  Tomorrow, you can have but tonight is special. 

So I hope you all feel that sense of anticipation tonight; that knowing that many years ago, probably not in December, something wonderful happened.  I hope you all took a moment to do something special for someone else that maybe didn't involve a gift in a box.  I hope you gave some love or a little of your time to someone who needed it and if you haven't, there is still time.  Because for as what I believe, we were given the greatest gift ever that we celebrate this night.


  1. Merry Christmas Darling!

    For me Christmas was about last night. A group of people coming together to celebrate each other and the Holiday. A group of very different people who probably never would have come together under "every day" circumstances, without work or church or FPF or Deer Park or Facebook(there I said it!). For that, I am whom or what, I'm not sure...just grateful.

    Merry Christmas Everyone!


  2. People are offended because we live in a time where people only care about themselves. It's alright for them to stomp all over your beliefs but don't dare stomp all over theirs! It's called selfishness.

  3. I agree that the holiday is not the right time to bring up differences, but it is when it will get attention. And to me, the kind of person that would try to stop a flag from being flown at a monument must be deeply angry inside and want to share that with everyone. But as Christians, we need to show them love too.

    I agree with Jimnotmike that for me the holiday is getting together to share time with people that you care about. And I feel that this was a successful holiday because we were able to do that.

  4. OK...Christmas is over, time for a Blog Update :-)

    Was so glad I could join you for lunch, what fun! Even if the Indian place was closed.

