Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Absentee Ballot

Yeah, I haven't been here and I really have no excuse.  Have just been busy single parenting and trying to get back on track as far as my workouts go and you know what?  I think the true bottom line is that it is my annual winter depression.  Though I hate winter in general, the time from February until the warmth finally arrives is the worst for me.  I am out of patience with the cold, I am tired of my winter wardrobe, I am sick to death of the marks the rock salt leaves on my floors and I am desperate to look outside and see green.  I miss seeing my friends regularly because there are no fire pit nights in the winter. I JUST HATE IT.  Given a choice, I would go upstairs to bed and hibernate until the temps reach 70.

So I have the blahs.  The winter blahs.  I cannot wait to see the buds on the trees and to be able to do some work outside as I am bored to death with inside work.  I want my kids to play outside for a change and I want my car windows down when I drive. I walk to walk and run in the park.  I know a lot of people complain about the humidity of summer and though I don't cherish it, given a choice over the cold of winter, I would much rather have the humidity. 

So there you have it.  I will try to find something of interest to write about.  I promise.  But a warm spell would help.

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