Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kindness and Understanding that Have Your Back

Today we were taken in as members of our new church.  It was good; really good and it felt very right.

This morning before church I posted on the "evil" (as some of my friends refer to it, Facebook, something that said " is becoming an official member of "Name of church" this morning!"

I got a few nice comments, some congratulations and then this comment from a woman who was the wife of one of my former church's short lived pastors because he had much greater issues:

"Wow.  So soon...."

I was kind of angry about it.  I wanted to rant at her that this change in churches had been at least two years coming, but yet I didn't want to sound snarky nor did I want to offend any of my Facebook friends who still attended the former church.  So, I settled on "It has actually officially been four months and when it feels right, it feels right."

I wasn't entirely happy with that answer, but I chose the high road.  I felt she was judging me, like I had made a rash decision in my leaving the former church, but I tried to let it go.  Somehow it still diminished my mood somewhat and made me wonder if other people felt I was acting in a brash manner.

But a few minutes ago I got another comment from my new music director at my new church, who also coordinates my contemporary service there.  Her words were simple:

"We are so blessed to have you."

She didn't need to say anything else.  My guess is that based on the other woman's comment and my defense to it, she "got it" and spoke out her feelings and there was no need for anything else to be said.

God reminded me through her, that the battle isn't mine and I don't need to sweat the small stuff, because He has it for me.


  1. "Wow. So soon…" Oh that made me giggle. It was so "High School!" Like you'd broken up with your boyfriend and didn't wait the "proper" amount of time before dating another guy. The way I see it, you're still "dating" the same guy, but just from a different location. :-)

  2. I found her comment rather odd when I saw it..but I agree with Jim's's very fitting with what she said.

    Sunday with the parents was as expected (needed prayer to get through it). They still insist you denounced the Lutheran church and can't understand how you would still be attending one; they refused to buy raffles from the youth as they are no longer supporting their OWN church's youth group because YOU have them all brain washed (yes YOU).

    The whole time I was could you of been in church this morning and come out with so much hate??? That's such a loving church.
