Thursday, April 19, 2007

Virginia Tech

I thought about not writing anything about the terrible tragedy that occurred on Monday at Virginia Tech, but then realized, I simply could not do that.  It has been extremely difficult to organize my thoughts about the whole thing, but first and foremost, I want to say that my thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families, as well as with every student on every campus, in every high school, middle school, elementary school, and daycare.  I can't believe for even a second that every educational institution in the world does not live with some fear because of what happened on Monday. 

As a parent, my heart aches for the parents who have lost children.  I think my friend, Paula, is grieving even more so, because her boys are so close to college age, with her oldest heading off to college this fall.  It rattles us and scares us half to death to even think about sending our babies out into the world...into a world that is filled with so much evil and insanity.

I could say a million different things about the murderer who assassinated 32 people on Monday and then took the easy way out and ended his own life.  I could comment on the craziness of his tape sent to NBC, or remark on how about 95% of children get picked on in school, but very few think that because of that they are entitled to pick up a gun and seek revenge.  I could complain about gun laws, or parenting skills or educational institutions not picking up on early warning signs.  I can also comment on how twisted writings do not always make for a killer...look at the number of published horror authors on the market who are not picking up weapons to live their sickest fantasy.

But the fact is that whatever caused this kid to snap will always be somewhat of a mystery.  We can talk about it, drudge it out, speculate, argue points, retrace steps and insist that we know what caused it.  Fact is, none of that matters.  None of that matters to the parents, wives, husbands, grandparents, aunts, uncles,brothers, sisters,  cousins, friends or children who have lost a loved one this week.  The story is the same for them and no amount of speculation can change it.  They already know the bottom line.

People often turn to God during difficult times and ask the question "Why?".  It's human nature to ask and to wonder why God didn't stop such a heinous crime from occurring.  He could have stopped it.  God can do anything.  The problem is that He gave us free will and He can't let us use that free will in some cases and in other instances take it away.  He also never told us that this life would be easy or free of pain, but He did tell us that He would be with us through it all.  I know that He is with everyone who lost a loved one this week and I also know that He can use terrible things to draw us ever closer to Him.  I've seen it happen.  He can make something good come out of the most horrible tragedy.  He's done it again, and again and again.  So often, that is when we find Him and we find Him because we are reaching out, seeking Him.

I pray that all the broken hearted people affected by what happened Monday are reaching out...and when they do, I have no doubt that they will be wrapped up in the love of God and comforted.  He understands.  He lost children this week too and though they are with Him now, he still had to feel their fear and their pain as He was with them in that dark and terrifying time.  He understands.

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