Monday, May 14, 2007


I'm a little iffy on doing this post, but I've had it planned all weekend.  The reason being is that my dear friend, Lisa, had to put down her eighteen year old kitten on Saturday.  Lisa, I'd love to have a picture of Teddi to honor her here, but that it up to you.  The rest of you, send her warm fuzzy lovin' please.

I had promised Monkee that she would have a proper introduction to my six kitties.  I may not do this in consecutive days, but I will get the ball rolling tonight!

This is Hannah, aka, Baby Hannah or sometimes Hannah Banana...or as my mother calls her, "I hate that cat." 

I met Hannah when she was brought into the veterinary hospital where I once worked, and she was a tiny, strangley little kitten with all kinds of issues.  We fed her by syringe in the hospital and she was soon nursed back to health and before I knew it, I was bringing her home.

She's quirky as I like to call her.  If she wants petted and you are not accomodating her petting need, she will nip you, which is why my mother hates her.  Hannah hates to hear anyone yelling, even if I am only calling up the stairs to the kids to come down.  The first chance she gets, Hannah will race up onto me and try to nip me, all the while talking as if to say, "What's wrong?  Why are you yelling?  Tell me!"

A couple of weeks ago, the Brit and I were watching television and two of the other kitties were fascinated with something on the front porch as they were perched on the back of the sofa in front of the window.  We figured we had a stray cat outside and just let the cats have their fun gazing at it.  It never occured to us that they weren't growling or making other horrendous noises as one would expect when encountering a stray.  An hour later, I got up to head into the computer room and noticed that the two felines were still completely enthralled at the window.  As it was dark outside, I walked to the front door and switched on the porch light, affirming that there was a cat on my porch.  An instant later, I realized the "Stray" was Hannah.  I was amazed that she had never left in the porch during her little adventure, but now we have to be careful as she is always trying to escape.  When she does slip out, all I have to do is open the door and tell her to "get in here" and she runs right in.  Quirky.

She has very healthy habits and loves to finish off a yogurt for the Brit.  She has an incredibly loud purr and can amuse herself for hours, chasing shadows, her tail, or a favorite toy.  She is one of my two who love to carry a favorite item in her mouth and then walk around the house with it meowing loudly.  When I ask her what she has, she immediately drops it and runs to me for some lovin'.  She's quirky but she's mine.

Oh and guess what I have out back on my porch??


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