Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I have recently been called "fanatical" when it�comes to exercise and this to came as somewhat as a surprise to me.� I don't really consider myself fanatical when it comes to exercise.� Quite the contrary in many ways.� I hate to sweat (tho I secretly admit it makes me feel like a beast when you can see sweat stains on my shirts.� Pathetic, isn't it?), I don't really enjoy the process of exercise at all and can I tell you how easy it is for me to skip a day or days at times? I'm saying it doesn't make me feel guilty as hell, but it is still easy for me to do.

But I'll tell you what I am fanatical about.� I am fanatical about NOT ever weighing 315 pounds ever again.� That is the one and only thing that keeps me honest and committed.� I am fanatical about never wanting to not fit in a chair again, or an airplane seat, or being pathetically out of breath after going up a flight of stairs.� I am fanatical about not ever wanting to feel uncomfortable in my own skin again, or tiring so easily after barely doing anything.

In many ways, I think my motivation comes easier than it would for someone who grew up a normal and "acceptable" size and then began gaining weight a bit later in life.� I have a point of reference to where I do not want to return.� The other folks, who grew up "normal" only know to where they want to return.� In many ways, I think knowing where I do not want to return is way more inspiring.� I have that point of reference.� It's a bit like viewing hell before finding a heaven on earth...I know where I don't want to return.

So fanatical about staying healthy?� Absolutely.�

I am planning to run tomorrow in the heat and humidity in order to take Friday off before Saturday's 5K.� I will persevere tomorrow but it will be rough.� But we are heading for summer.� I'm going to have to start planning some morning or evening runs before too long as running at 12:30 right after work?� Yikes!

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