Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tired Mama....Check...Dead Laptop....Check

So last night, the love of my life, my Acer Aspire Netbook, died.� Well, they think it is the power cord and they are sending another 3-8 days.� I hope it is the power cord as I am hopelessly in love with my little pink bundle of goodness and this was the wrong week for it to die as I have not had any face to face adult conversations this week and chatting online on the comfort of my sofa, helps.� Sucks.

It has been a pretty normal week other than that.� The kids bicker, the teenager acts like he would rather just be put to death than to have to attend little brother's 30 minute orchestra concert (seriously dude?� Suck it up), the little brother manages to somehow get crap on the toilet seat and then lies about it.� All pretty typical in my world...can't say I will be sad to get some adult freedom back after Saturday though, providing I don't die driving in DC to the airport.� Hate driving there and though every day brings me a day closer to my single parenting days to come to an end, they also bring me closer to having to drive in one of the two places I hate driving.� Good times!

I am debating leaving the kids home when I go to praise band rehearsal tomorrow night (anybody want a few kids?� They will be home alone. Call me, I'll give you a key to the house...) just for an hour and a half to not be around them.� I love them, but being the only parent for them to talk to equals no quiet�moment to even think, plus it has been cold and rainy so they have been in the house ALL THE TIME.� Did you hear that?� ALLTHEFREAKINGTIME!� This has not been a good week...cannot wait to start new meds!

I am finally getting a run in today; first one since Friday.� Monday, I was bathroom painting and yesterday was grocery day and orchestra concert.� I am starting to think that if I am very lucky, Leisl might be able to carry me across the finish line the morning of our 5K.� I have also totally booked myself this week with appointments.� Today is my friend's radiation so I get the joy of sitting with her adorable daughter.� Tomorrow, little brother has a dentist appt as he cracked a tooth.� Friday, the teenager has a therapy appt (I am still mad at the therapist.� I am just not sure what is really being accomplished in these sessions).� I was on the brink of�texting Leisl last night to see if she was available for lunch any day this week (I am starving to be around adults!) before I realized I have no freakin' time.� And sushi and wasabi would have been divine right about now...and a glass of their "house brush".

I know my blog posts have been kind of downers lately, but the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight.� I promise.�

Oh and another great reason we need a dog:

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