Thursday, September 28, 2006

Child therapy anyone?

So, what do you do with a child who is a total attention seeking, distraction to everyone around him kinda kid?  Here's the issue.  Jacob used to live down the street from us and now lives down the street from my church.  Jacob comes from a broken home (is it still considered broken if it was never put together correctly to begin with?) with his parents never marrying, though they have two children.  Jacob's dad is an alcoholic and possibly abuses drugs (I only know the alcohol issues to be 100% true) but Jacob's mom keeps taking him back, despite the fact that he lands in her in the emergency room occasionally.  So, you can imagine the home life for this child.  To the best of my knowledge, Jacob's dad is back in jail again for something.

With Jacob now living near the church, we get him for VBS and for Kid's Club, which started back up tonight.  When he lived near us, I feel like we had a better chance of making an impact on his life.  This is the child who used to knock on our door and say, "My parents are fighting.  Can I stay here for awhile?"  We worked with him then, and he was a relatively well behaved kid when at our house.  He had great manners, and the prayer skills he had picked up at Kid's Club were incredible when he would pray with us before meals.

Right before Jacob moved to the other side of town, he seemed to suddenly get worse.  He was suspended for school twice for violent acts, such as having an outburst where he would knock over desks etc.  Once he moved and we only saw him at the church, everytime we see him now, he is way out of control.  He says inappropriate things, and is constantly striving to be the center of attention.  We have tried ignoring him when he acts out, but the more we do that, the worse his behavior becomes until it gets to the point where we can't ignore him as it is impacting the other children.

He drives us all insane, but I feel like God has placed it on my heart to include him in the church, so we keep sending him the invitation letters for Kid's Club and VBS...and he always comes...and he always drives us nuts.  There is a song or a poem or something that says "We may be the only Jesus some people see" or something like that and this is how I feel about Jacob.  But there must be a way to reach this kid; to get him to behave.  To make him feel like he doesn't need to act out negatively to get attention.  It's like someone needs to throw a life preserver to this child and he needs to grab hold!  This kid is going to be in so much trouble as he gets older (He's either 9 or 10 now) unless something reaches him soon.  But what can we do in an hour and a half twice a month that will help him in the long run?

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