Friday, February 23, 2007

A plea

Can I just tell ya'll that I was just at Borders and they have released on DVD the first season of "Fame" the television series!!  I did not buy it, but I wanted to as I LOVED this show when it was on television.  As a theater person, what could be better than a series about kids who were attending a school for the arts?  I have been waiting YEARS for them to release this!

Anyway, now that I got that out of my system...the eating well and returning to Curves has gone really well this week!  My Curves has finally reopened its doors with the extended afternoon hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday that they had when I first joined.  At the end of the summer, they did away with that and were closed every weekday from 1:00-3:00.  I don't get off work until 12:30 and with the workout being 30 minutes, that was not a possibility.  Then by 2:35, I have child #1 at home, so that threw another wrench into the pot fire waterMold?  What is that saying?.  Then there is always that thing in the winter time where once I am back at home, you may need a crane, or a lot of chocolate to get me back outside again as I hate the cold!

So anyway, I feel pretty confident about what I am doing with my life.  I would feel even better if something else would happen as well.

I often use my blog as ways to address certain people or situations when I'm not feeling brave enough to do it in real life.  I know from experience that the last thing anyone with a weight problem wants to hear is someone nagging them about their weight.  Well, this is not a nag.  This is a true concern that I have for someone I love very much, but who has me scared half to death that if this person doesn't start moving, then I won't have this person in my life for the length of time I would prefer. 

Exercising is tough when you are not in the habit of doing it and it doesn't matter who you are, or what you weigh.  If you are generally sedentary, then getting started is going to be difficult.  Just getting back to Curves this week, I can attest to that.  I'm puffing like a puppy in labor by the end of my second time through the circuit.  What I also know from experience is that it will get easier the more I do it. 

I just want this person to do a little moving and I will meet this person halfway or whatever.  If a walk around the block is where it's at, I'll walk along.  If taking a thirty minute lunch break to walk through the parking lot at work is what does it for you, if you wait until I get off work, I will walk with you if that's what it takes.  I've just been doing a whole lot of reading and fact is, it is different to be twenty or thirty and overweight than it is to be forty and overweight.  You have a  big time risk increase of things like heart attack or stroke or complications from diabetes.  Ten years ago, we would have possibly brushed this off with "I'm only thirty.", but now it is suddenly forty and it all feels differently and way more scary.  There are people in this world who need this person to be around for a long time yet, myself being only one of them.  In order for that to happen, this person needs to change to a healthier lifestyle.  The changes don't have to be big.  See, that's what everyone thinks and it's just not true.  Thirty minutes of walking a day combined with watching what is being eaten will do amazing things.

When I love someone, I want them in my life for the long haul.  Just sayin'.

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