Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So, my friend, Shiloh, who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, has asked me to walk a 5k with her, her family and some other friends on October 24th, for the BCA CV.  I am signed up and ready to go.  But I need some sponsors!  You can donate as little as a few bucks if you can.  My low end goal is $75.  My high end goal is $200.  If you can help, go here and click on "Donate to a Participant".  Then type in either my name (Kimberly Jones) or go under our team name of "Gooses Girls" and find my name that way.  Anything you can do will help the cause.  On their main page, you can read about what the funds go to...early detection programs as well as post-op programs.  100% of the funds raised go into these all so important programs. 

So, I am asking you to help my friend, through me, but sponsoring.  Plus, I get to walk my first 5K for a great cause, which is pretty cool.

Today has been busy; cat to the vet for possible bladder irritation, work, groceries and soon kickboxing.  I'm already feeling drained because I was awake at 4:00 because of noisy garbage men and worrying about the cat.  My cats are my other kids, so when something is wrong with either, I lay awake and worry.  Plus it was a little warm last night and I had issues getting comfortable.  But the cat is more or less fine...hopefully a change in diet will do the trick.  I'm going to be optimistic.

And tonight is "The Biggest Loser" so I'll give you my thoughts on that tomorrow.  And wasn't the season premiere of "House" fabulous?   I loved it!

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