Saturday, August 5, 2006


I've been at Robyn's since about 7:30 last night. She's doing better today than last night as chemo can suck the life out of you and add to that the infection she has just gotten out of the hospital for. She spiked a fever at 12:45 am and woke me up to call the doctor (talking is not comfortable for her right now due to mouth pain). She was packing a bag for the hospital while I waited for the doctor to anwer her page. Much to Robyn's relief, the doc recommended Tylenol, considering that her WBC count had been good yesterday. They removed her port yesterday, so it is probable that procedure spurred the fever. I can't imagine how scary this must be for her. Being alone would only leave her alone with her thoughts and to worry about her course of action if anything were to happen and she was here alone. I know this is where I'm supposed to be this weekend. The Brit and the boys will be fine for one more night as they are relatively self sufficient (even if they don't always like it). I'm needed elsewhere right now, by someone who has been in my life for 26 years. GRowing up, I was always referred to as the "Sixth sister" in Robyn's family of all female siblings and it's nice to be included in that again now and to be able to help in some small way. I miss my family, cats and the comfort of home but I have always tried to live my life by the policy of "No regrets" and this is no exception. It is also a privledge and a blessing for me to be here this weekend, even if all I am needed for is so that Robyn knows she is not alone. She's dealing with cancer and it's treatment which is way bigger than what anyone else I know is going through right now. Sometimes, we forget that the best we can often do for each other is to support each other and simply be there. For me, it's been a nice reminder.

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