Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Be Still My Weary Heart

(Written Tuesday night to post on Wednesday)

So tonight at kickboxing, my beloved GBC called me "honey."  Le sigh.

Okay, now for the rest of the sentence which was something like "That's not a push up, honey."

Yeah, you heard it here.  I cannot for the life of me do a push up.  I don't get it.  To get anywhere near the right form and I don't feel like I have the upper body strength to do them.  What is the secret to training to do these puppies?  Given all the things I have learned to do in the exercise world, this is a major source of frustration for me.

I am really tired tonight and it is only Tuesday.  Class was cold today.  We spent a lot of time outside, in a bus, in the cold, learning how to evacuate special needs kids.  So we were dragging 40 pounds bags to the evacuation door, jumping out and then lifting the bag/child out of the bus.  We manually ran the lift door in the event the mechanics of it broke down.  Tomorrow, we are again outside to learn to set off flares.  My ten year old is so jealous.

Then it was off to the church to work, then home to do laundry, vacuum, pack lunches for the next day, finish dinner etc before racing off the YMCA for kickboxing where my favorite instructor called me "honey" as he insulted my push up....justified as it was as my push ups suck.  Maybe I need to Google them.  Or You Tube them or something.

And the husband has been moody or are odd birds.  Just didn't feel like talking to me tonight which is frustrating for me.  I spend the morning with strangers, the afternoon alone, the evening with children.  By the time I see him I am ready for familar conversation.  Him, not so much.  Just a "how was your day, dear?" would be lovely,....but then again, he will read about my day on this blog tomorrow.  Le sigh.

And I still want my pizza, dammit.

Do I have any readers other than Kim (and Kim, thank you for playing my comment game)?  Am I boring ya'll to tears?  What do I need to do differently?  Tell me as I am a people pleaser by nature.

So how are your weeks going?


  1. Meee.. I tried to post yesterday but I couldn't!

    Keep up the good work =)


  2. I read it everyday..Thats why i don't have a lot to say. I know it all already LOL

  3. You have always got me...I am here...I am reading you...

  4. Hi Kim, Yes, yes you do have other readers and I am faithful to your Blog. Through weight loss, now exercise and oh, yes, the bus training you start my morning off with a chuckle everyday. Honestly your Blog is a "must read" everyday! I am especially loving your tidbits on exercise as it is something near and dear to my heart as well. This is an especially busy time fro me at work and on top of that I start weekend college this Saturday. Of course I love it but sometimes it does become "yet another thing to do". This January marks my 6th year since returning to College and (God willing) I'll graduate in May 2011. Then what? who knows but getting my degree has been like the proverbial thorn in my side my whole life...You can bet I'm throwing myself a big party when I have the sheepskin...
    Anyway, I'm also enjoying your colorful description of the bus training. You have such a knack for writing that without intentionally trying to be funny, you're take on things is hilarious!!! Reminds me so much of Erma Bombeck...Anyway...yes, yes I am here and a faithful reader ....please keep up the writing as your time allows ...and Kim..a little advice..When you do start driving the bus please journal your thoughts ...I swear there will be a book in there somewhere,take care...One of your faithful readers ....Susan
