Tuesday, January 12, 2010

An Email Cut and Paste

Wow...today has been a day and a half.  Took mom for her skin cancer removal on the side of her nose.  Well, this thing went so deep that they had to take cartilage from her ear to reconstruct the side of her nose and cut her cheek down to pull that skin flap up over it to generate good blood flow.  All of this as an outpatient and while she was awake.  When they brought me into the room at the end of all this and after being there for five hours, she was crying and shaking and it was one of the rare times I have seen her actually looking 81.  So she is all bandaged up and in pain and God love her, Robyn is staying tonight with her so I can get kids off to school in the morning before going back in to change bandages with Chris.  From there I will see if I can go to work for awhile or if I need to stay with her.  Next week she goes in to get the sutures removed from her face and ear and then a week later, they remove the skin flap or something like that.  Still a little confusing for me. We were expecting MAYBE a skin graft but got a whole lot more than we bargained for.

Bear with me this week.  Will still try to blog each night, but it may not be much and my own health updates will take a backseat to make sure mom is okay.  Please keep her in your prayers as she is in a lot of pain right now.  I look for her to turn a corner after Thursday but today was really rough on her, especially as she didn't sleep all night last night nor did she eat before going in for this today, so that did little for her coping skills. 

I do plan on taking some running clothes to mom's tomorrow so maybe I can at least get in a little activity if she is napping or something.  She lives in a trailer park, so not much traffic.  Might be a good place for my first outdoor run!

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