Thursday, June 4, 2009

Exhausted, but here!

I think I am most amazed that it is nearly ten 'o clock at night here and it is still not completely dark!  Having never been here in the summer before, that is a new one for me!

The first day in England is always exhausting because we fly over night and arrive in England at three am to our bodies but to the Brits, it is eight am.  Then there is the very long jaunt through Heathrow Airport to Immigration, then to baggage claim, then to catch the bus to go the rent-a-car agency and then the 45 Minute drive to Basingstoke.  Then breakfast at dad's and then down for a two hour nap, which refreshes for us a time, but now, ten 'o clock at night, the lack of sleep is catching up to me.

We did some grocery shopping today, and I took the kids across the road this evening to the mall, but other than that today has been low key.  Tomorrow, I will try to take some photos, but today was too tired to think about working the camera

More tomorrow after a decent night's sleep!



  1. You actually drive there? I don't think I'd be brave enough. Have an awesome vacation.

  2. Kim, have a great time in England with your family. Glad to hear your flight went well and you are adjusting to the time difference.Susan
