Tuesday, January 18, 2011

All Work and No Play

Makes me pretty tired!  It was gogogo today!  We got snow and ice last night so this morning before I could leave for work, the walks had to be shoveled and yes when the kids aren't here that is my job.  Then when I got to work, I shoveled there.  I didn't have to, but one of my friends there is who would have to shovel and he is in his late sixties.  So, though I didn't finish it all, I did a pretty good chunk of it for him. He was pleasantly surprised when he came in to find most of it done.  Then it was to Walmart and then to two more stores looking for liver and sugar free rice pudding, which I finally found in the last store.  Home to unload groceries, change for kickboxing, cook two meals (one for tonight and tomorrow's in the crock pot as I have church and rehearsal tomorrow night), vacuum, search for a receipt and just make it out the door in time to go to the Y.  Did my kickboxing class with my GBC and then came home to finally eat and clean up dinner.  Now I am finally finished for the day!

I am so far liking Weight Watchers Points Plus. It's easy and with the calculator, I can actually stand in the grocery store and do calculations to find out how many points any given food is just by inputting a few numbers.  I even found WW single serving ice cream cups in several different flavors for $1 each.  Not too bad and it takes the guess or calculator work out of it, plus when my sweet tooth is acting up, I have something I can grab.  I have not gone over my daily points at all yet but even if I do I get an extra 49 points a week to use if I need them.  Plus my workouts give me extra points which is awesome but I haven't had to use any of those either.  I even come up with solutions for my sandwich today as I like to do turkey ( 1 point for three slices tho I only used two) with the WW cream cheese (2 pts) but I like cranberry sauce with it but did not want to use three points or a 1/4 cup for it, so I just took a tablespoon of the cranberry sauce and mixed it with the cream cheese.  Now, I charged myself a point for that so hopefully that is okay.  I used way less cranberry sauce than I usually would have and got the same yummy flavor.  So thus far, the program is working well.  Sundays will be my weigh in day so stay tuned.

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