Monday, January 10, 2011

I Need a Few Deep Breaths

Only Monday and it was so insane and I have all this stuff rifling around in my head that I haven't had time to focus on and AUGH! And it's only MONDAY.

I worked this morning; no big deal.  After work, I ran to the rescue mission with some donations, to UPS to return boxes I never used and were taking up too much space in the basement, which I swear I am going to get around to cleaning soon, and then to the veterinary hospital to drop off towels I no longer wanted and they can always use.  Then home to finish off getting dinner ready before bolting back out to go the eye doctor. Left there to go to the grocery store that doubles my coupons to pick up the things I had coupons for, then to the high school for a meeting with The Genius' carpentry teacher, which led to the two of us going to speak to an old friend of mine from high school who teaches there.  Did not leave there till 4:30, came home, put away groceries, cooked potatoes for dinner, changed clothes for Zumba and got dinner on the table for the three boys before heading out the door to the YMCA.  Am now finally home, have cleaned up remaining dishes, eaten my own dinner, and printed out coupons.  Now I have a headache and I am not sure if it is from the sinus infection from hell or not. All out of the pred, so I hope the face throbbing does not return as I still feel like I have sludge down the back of my throat all the time.  TMI.  Sorry.

Trying to focus on trying to write, but it is so hard to narrow down a plot.  I am not at a loss for ideas, as my past experiences give me plenty, so why the hesitation to begin?  Is it fear?  Laziness?  Lack of time to truly focus?

Loved church yesterday.  Love this church. Love the sermons. Love this pastor.  He just knows how to be a pastor as opposed to going through the motions, which is what the other guy seems to do.  His heart never seemed to be in it.  Nice guy, but not spiritual at all in my opinion.  I'm just so happy that God led us to where we needed to be.

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