Saturday, January 8, 2011

Turned a Corner

Sorry about the lack of blogging yesterday but the pounding in my face kept me from sleeping on Thursday night.  Then it was up early to get The Brit to the urologist by 8:00.  He has an appointment at the new hospital on the 17th so they can try to break up the stones with a laser or something.  In the meantime, he has more pain killers, though he is not in pain so much as discomfort now thankfully. 

While he was getting x-rays yesterday,  I called my doctor's office about my pounding face and head to find out my doc, who is really the nurse practitioner, was out due to an emergency. I gave the nurse my details and my self-diagnosis and she said she would talk to the doctor to see if he would call anything in for me.  He called in an anti-biotic (which will give me a different kind of infection by the time that is over but what can a girl do?) and a steroid.  I was very confused by the steroid until about a half hour after I took the first one.  Turns out it serves as an anti-inflammatory and my pounding head and face became much more comfortable, thank God!

After picked up the drugs, The Brit went to work and I curled up in his chair to nap for an hour and a half before leaving to cheat on my hair girl with my new hair girl.  Then back home for an hour before picking up The Genius for his therapy appointment.  While The Genius was back with his therapist, The Lawyer's school called to tell me he missed the bus and could I come get him.  I told her it wouldn't be till 4:15 as I was in an appointment with my other son.  She asked where we were and I told her the street we were on and that I could be there no later than 4:15.  She then suddenly wanted to confirm my address even though I told her nothing had changed.  When I confirmed it she said "But you said you were on ____ Street. "Yes", I explained again, "For an appointment."  No one listens anymore.

The rest of the day was quiet thankfully, mostly spent on the couch with my Kindle and a book that is freaking me out a bit called "Last Light." The thought that something like this could happen is what is scary because people would react the same way the people in the book react.  People in the best of times are borderline nuts, so take away all their modern conveniences and look out!

Okay, there is your Saturday bonus to make for no blog yesterday!

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