Tuesday, March 11, 2008

T Minus 33 Days

Because I am apparently partially dense, could someone please explain to me if I have that title right and what the heck it means?  If "T" is surgery day, shouldn't it be PLUS 33 days because there are still 33 days?  Good gravy, I'm  having algebra flashbacks just thinking about it!  What does it all mean, Alfie??

One of my Google links picked up today what I think is a Letters to the Editor column in a Texas newspaper.  I never say the original post, but I did like the answer:

Surgery is a Blessing
Re: Why so much surgery?  by Keegan Watters, Friday letters

Ms. Watters asks "Why is gastic bypass surgery suddenly such a popular and acceptable practice?" Because gastric bypass or lapband surgery works.  Very few surgeon perform stomach stapling any longer.

Diets do not work, and most who undertake them are doomed to fail.  That is why there is an entire billion dollar diet industry in this country.

As for the idea that "resorting to getting their stomachs stapled to lose weight is embarrassing and desperate.", I ask "For whom?" Would you say that about someone who underwent chemotherapy to cure a terminal illness?  Or maybe it is embarrassing to have a heart bypass operation.

Life saving surgery should be looked upon as a blessing by anyone who has access to such procedures.

Steven M. Hanes, Garland

 Thanks, Steven.  Your answer rocks. 

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