Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Different Goals for a New Week

So though I have not yet run above two miles, today I kept my speed minimally at 4.0 for the full run.  I only changed it the last .20th of a mile and that was to up it to 4.2 to finish strong (and fast because I was tired!).  I think on Thursday, I am going to take my run outside to see how it goes.

I took Zumba last night as Jack is not teaching this week and "Wooo!" Substitute teacher grates on my nerves.  It was fun.  Not as good a cardio workout as kickboxing; I did break a sweat, but not my usual Tuesday night, dripping wringing wet sweat.  And I think I hurt my foot in class as it has been killing me today across the top.  Surprisingly, it did not bother me during my run, but I have been icing it since then...as well as my knee and shin.  Yeah, have totally not run in four days!

Tomorrow, I am walking with Tod as the weather is warming up again after several days of rain.  So glad we are sitting on the precipice of Spring at long last!

My teenage son firmly believes I bought an $800 handbag from Kelly.  Kelly sells Beijo bags and she had one I loved, so I ordered one in brown and she dropped it off for me today.  When Aaron arrived home, Kelly and I were still talking and he asked what was in the bag.  I told him a purse I had ordered from Kelly.  Mr. Gullible then says, "Wait (because for some reason, he must precede most sentences with that word...I guess we are waiting for him to finish the thought??) is this one of these $800 purses?"  Without even looking at each other, Kelly and I say in perfect harmony, "yes."  He was all shocked and freaked out and I told him to please not tell dad I spent that much (bag was $59), so now he is running around as if he knows world's biggest secret.  Too funny.

Okay, all for today, but does anyone else feel like their butt has been kicked by losing that hour's sleep over the weekend?  Why do we have to have Daylight Savings Time anyway?


  1. Love the bag thing...teenagers are funny in general to me :)

    And just so you know Kim, because I admire you and your continued success in getting yourself to the gym, to run, to kickbox...to fill in the blank...physically. I actually, for the first time since surgery worked out...sort of...

    I did a Richard Simmons DVD Monday and last night and then followed it up with a 30 minute stretching DVD...and I have plans to do it again tonight...maybe...I don't want to psych myself into rebelling against me...lol...

    Just sayin...


  2. Way to go!

    You are TOTALLY ready to run outside. :)
