Friday, March 12, 2010

Finally Friday!

And I finished it strong with another two mile run today, though I really like saying that I ran six miles this week.  Sounds much more impressive, no?  Still don't feel ready to go above two miles as I still do a fair amount of struggling with the two.  But I'm not quitting and I will get there.  It takes time and I have that.

I am also really stoked that changing my blog name is helping me network with other runners and I plan on checking you all out this weekend!  To be a knitting blog, technically, you have to be a real knitter as opposed to a dabbler and I am not a real knitter.  I do enjoy to knit an occasional scarf, but the thing is more or less that I elected to get healthy and that took precedence over knitting.  So YAY for other running bloggers!

I am always intrigued when I am suddenly assaulted by something that comes from several sources which makes it appear that I really need to take a closer look.  A few months ago, I was scrolling through the "Watch Instantly" queue for NetFlix and ran across"Food Inc". I started watching it, but it quickly got to the point where I couldn't watch.  Seeing the way the animals were treated during mass production of chicken or beef was more than I could take, animal lover that I am, so I turned it off after about twenty minutes. 

Then last week, I was having a sushi lunch with Leisl and she was talking about this Clean Diet she was following and she whipped out this book:

I glanced through it but it all came together for me yesterday.  I am not an Oprah fan, but when I saw the preview, I recognized Michael Pollan's name as the author of Leisl's book and while watching Oprah, I found out Michael was also involved with "Food Inc".  So, I have a few of his books on hold at the library so I can take a closer look as I was intrigued by much of what he said yesterday.  What really stuck with me, and I may not have the percentages exactly right, was that twenty or thirty years ago, 17% of our income went to food and 9% went to medical care.  Now, those numbers are reversed.  Food is cheaper due to mass production, but is obviously a lot less healthy for us with the use of drugs and antibiotics on the animals.  I'll be sharing more with you as I do some research as all things food and health now fascinate me.

Okay, I am signing out for the weekend.  It's supposed to be a rainy one, so I am looking forward to some chilling out.  Hope you all are able to do the same.  See you Monday!

Peace out!

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