Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday Thirteen Randomness

So now Godaddy has reverted back to the old format....I kind of liked the new one.� Easy come, easy go, I guess.

Okay, I have no theme for today, so you get the jumbled up mess of crap that runs through my head on a daily basis.


  1. Why have I been so freakin' hungry since yesterday?� All I want to do is nibble.� It's like I am hungry for something but have no idea what it is so I need to sample many things until I find it.

  2. And that essentially means that right now, I am exercising and running to maintain my current weight which puts me no closer to that 199 I have my eye on.� Do you all ever get like this; this constant hunger and if so, how do you reign it in?

  3. I just realized that since March 8th, I have been at the church every day, some days more than once and it will continue to be so until April 10th.� I may need to take a vacation day.

  4. I am looking forward to a second kickboxing class tonight but my knees are not.

  5. I love Dailymile and the people there.� I posted a "Hi, new here" message and now have a handful of friends.� Thanks to Emily for introducing me to the site.� For those of you interested, you don't have to be a�can be a walker or just an exerciser in general.

  6. We just had a member of our congregation meet a young couple here who are struggling.� The man called yesterday to try to get help for a birthday cake for his six year old daughter's birthday on Sunday and I left a note for pastor to announce it in church last night.� A mother and son rose to the opportunity and just met the couple with a grocery store gift card.� I think that is awesome.

  7. Tomorrow is thankfully Friday.

  8. I have to go to youngest son's school tonight from 4-5 for something called "Spotlight On".� Have no idea what is being spotlighted.

  9. Thank goodness Paige went home on Idol last night.� Though I didn't dislike her, her performance Tuesday night was painful to listen to...but then again, I felt the same way about Miley Cyrus' performance last night on Idol.� Ouch.

  10. I found a pair of headphones on eBay that someone recommended for $5.49 with free shipping.� If I am experimenting with headphones, they need to�be cheap.

  11. Is it 12:30 yet?

  12. I really need to get my eating back on track again so I can move from maintaining my weight loss (which is not a bad thing) to actually losing again.� Do you think running makes you hungrier?

  13. "Food Revolution" is on tomorrow night and I'm excited to see it.� I also loved Jil's comment about Rachel Rae.� "Rachael Rae makes me want to shank myself...her voice makes my ears bleed..."

If you want to play Thursday Thirteen, you can do so here!


  1. Yay...I knew there was a reason we got on so

    I have been starving lately but my stomach has still never stretched so I was eating like a quarter cup of food every thirty was so bizarre Jason thought I was pregnant because I usually am not like that with food...after two weeks of the food crazy it is finally beginning to let up...not sure what it was really...but glad it's over (oh...and I am not

  2. You're welcome, for dailymile! :)

    Agree with the Paige thing.

    Isn't it great how a church community comes together for it's member's? Love it!

  3. Great list. Keep up the good work with the exercise, if you stay with it I'm sure you'll make your goal. And yes, I think energy output will make you hungrier. Happens to me all the time. Then it just becomes about the choices--putting the right food in my mouth...

    Love No. 6--that is just a great thing when people give so freely of what they have.

    Happy TT!

  4. Well, when I have the "eaties" I guzzle a glass of water instead of food. It fills the void and not with calories. Ok, maybe I'm a "survival of the fittest" kind of guy...but I don't see how a Grocery Store gift card helps someone who is struggling. Yes, in the short term it buys them food, and frickin birthday cake (which if your struggling you should be doing without anyway). But come week they are just going to be struggling again. That is my problem with charity...a handout doesn't really help people. It just makes them expect another handout.

  5. randomness mostly has the perfect recipe!

    Ranting n Panting
