Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday Thirteen

So I've done some homework and discovered nothing I didn't already know but apparently needed to be reminded of.  So some random snacks that are both filling and relatively healthy:

  1. Apple and peanut butter

  2. Apple and Cheddar cheese

  3. Tuna and crackers

  4. Cottage cheese and crackers

  5. Raw veggies and low fat dip

  6. Fresh fruit and low fat, low sugar yogurt

  7. Edamame (which I love)

  8. Fruit smoothie

  9. 100 calorie popcorn

  10. Hard boiled egg

  11. Lean meat wrap with mustard

  12. Nuts (though I am not a huge fan)

  13. Bean salad

A lot of this stuff I actually have at home and some I need to stock, but in a nutshell, I just need to do better.  Today has been a vast improvement as my only snack has been a 100 calorie bag of popcorn and I will be heating up lunch in about a half hour. 

Today is a cross training day at the gym, so elliptical and weight work.  I'm on it!

Want to play along with Thursday Thirteen?  You can do so here!


  1. I remember when eggs, in any form, were considered the enemy, and still look at peanut butter with some hesitancy.

  2. ohhhh... YUM!! I love peanut butter and cheddar cheese together. Either on a toasted bagel (makes everything gooey) or on crackers.

  3. Great list! I find that the hardest thing about healthy snacking is having it ready. If I have to prepare it when I'm hungry I tend to eat poorly.

  4. You inspire me. I appreciate your bible quotes and your snack tips. Thanks.

  5. Apples and cheddar cheese has always been one of my favorites.

  6. Edamame is awesome. I also love dipping raw veggies in hummus.

  7. Kim, I left a reply at my blog for your question. If you don't get there here is a link I have found helpful before.

  8. Thanks for this! I'm always on the lookout for great snacks that don't make me feel fat!

    I just love, love, love the quote in your header. That is just how I feel about running. So thanks for that too.

  9. this is so my kinda post :D

    thnnk you so much

    Down Down and Dump
