Monday, March 8, 2010

Feeling My Age Today

So as the weather was nice yesterday, I opted to work in the front yard for a few hours to get things ready for spring.  Today, I worked, started my period and did my second two mile run (yes, I did it on Friday...thought it would kill me...more on that in a moment) before running two errands and going home to do some serious gardening in the back yard.  Now, everything hurts and I am ready for bed at 7:47. 

The run on Friday was sheer torture, but I persevered.  It was hard.  Really, really hard.  I was soaked when it was over and all I wanted was a place to quietly die.  My calves were killing me for two days after, but I also reveled in the fact that I had run two miles.

Today's run, though still hard, went better.  I just should not have pushed things with the yard work afterward.  The only really weird thing is that with both Friday's two miles and today's two miles, I ended up with a headache by the end of the run.  Any takers on why this would be?  I also still have the headache into the evening.  WTH?

Though I have never been a fan of cooking shows, I saw a preview last night for Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and I am intrigued:

"I believe that every child in America has the right to fresh, nutritious school meals, and that every family deserves real, honest, wholesome food."

With the obesity epidemic getting worse in this country and having once been a big part of it, I have to stand behind anyone who can use fame or otherwise to try to change it.  I'm anxious to see what his plan is; it premieres March 26th on ABC.

The church lady is trying to drive me up a tree.  She makes mountains out of every little mole ant flea hill she possibly can.  It's bad enough she does this with church stuff and inconveniences everyone who happens to be in her path, but she likes to pick the moments when I am the busiest to ask me stupid questions.  Case in's conversation:

CL: Well, good morning, Kim.  I see you are all dressed for spring.

Me: I am dressed for the gym (I had on knee length workout pants, sneakers, my shirt and tank covered by a thumb hole hoodie, and a hat.

CL: Oh, the gym.  But you have a hat on.

Me (wondering what the hat has to do with the price of eggs anywhere) Yeah.  I'm running today.

CL: Oh and you need a hat when you run.

Me: (thinking this is worse than the Spanish inquisition) No, but it helps catch some sweat.

CL: Oh, you sweat when you run.

What planet is she from?  Seriously?  Maybe the running has nothing to do with the headache.  Maybe it's all her.


  1. Oh? you sweat when you run?

    Wow. What a piece. Great job! It'll get easier and remember to stretch before and especially after.

  2. Hmm, I think at that point in the conversation I would have been awfully tempted to say, "Well, that's kinda the point!" While in my mind (maybe) I'd be saying, "Ya friggin Looney Bird!"

  3. the headaches are probably from dehydration..just like a hangover but without the fun...make sure you drink plenty of water before and after the run. I really am so very proud of your progress!

  4. I can totally sympatize with your terrible run. I recently had one of those too, and I wanted to curl up and die at the side of the road. The only thing that stopped me was my constant worry of what people would think.

    By the way I'm forty too, and I'm amazed to say that I'm probably in better shape now, than when I was in my twenties! Can you believe it?! All thanks to running.
