Friday, April 9, 2010

Frustrated Friday

So, not even a week out of Lent and Easter and I am beginning to get harrassed about VBS, which I have no clue about at all.� I don't know what the plan is, I don't know what the dates are and personally, it is my least favorite thing.� I think VBS is very beneficial, it is just not something I enjoy and I would love to just step down and let someone else take over.� I've been making some comments that we need to nail down a date but it hasn't gone any farther and at this point, we are going on vacation whenever we can get inexpensive flights, because I can't hold off forever in knowing what is going on.

It is also Friday and I am grouchy because I was hit up with this first thing this morning.� Some days I would like to just go back to simply being the secretary who sits in the pew on Sundays and doesn't run or coordinate anything.� Yes, I know I would miss co-leading the youth group and I would lose my mind without praise band, but I'm just feeling stressed and maybe not yet recovered from last week.

Okay, /rant and onto other things if I can think of any.� Not a clue what the weekend is holding and today my oldest, who is once again failing algebra for not turning in assignments, has therapy, thank GOD!� (He is probably also a major source of my stress.� VBS falls pretty low onto the list when I am trying to�help turn�this child into a productive member of society.� I have to have priorities after all).� So my plan is to get a run in, then tidy up the house before it gets all trashed again during the weekend when everyone is home,� and then pick him up from school.�

Holy crap, do I really want to try to go off my Zoloft?� I am in a serious funk today!� I need a bottle of wine or a massage or a valium or something.� Maybe a really long nap.� Nope, no time for that.� Maybe escape to an alternate universe?� One without kids or VBS or dirt?

My oldest son informed someone the other day that the only way he would stay out of trouble is if we chained him up in his room till he was 18.� Other than to say "That can be arranged" how do you react to that?� "Good idea, son!� It's great you are developing some problem solving skills!"??�

My youngest came home yesterday and just began complaining.

"What did you do with my frozen water balloon?� What are we having for dinner?� Pork?� Do I have to eat the meat?� I hate meat!� Is there protein in salad?� Can I just eat that?"

Those Calgon people lie.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to tell you this but you are dealing with the stress..running and get it out in the open and that's a release valve. As far as the least he recognizes he has a problem and is dealing with it in his own rather bizarre way...Now the youngest, just look on him with a sense of amazement in the strides he's made developmentally and take pride in your part of that transformation
