Monday, April 26, 2010

Great Weekend and Taking the Plunge Monday

The weekend rocked my socks off.� Friday night fire pit fun with Tod, Em, Dave, Kristin, Kevin, Robyn and The Brit.� Saturday was church clean up, sushi for lunch (my ultimate favorite food) and then a wedding.� Wedding was lovely, reception was excellent.� Our table went through 3 large bottles of wine...and really only 3 of us were drinking it for the most part.� So, laughter and line dancing and great fun.� Sunday, The Brit, Tod and I went to Annapolis for Spring Fling, which was kind of small, but we also went down and perused the shops at the harbor, so we had a really good time.� Awesome weekend, but now it is back down to business.

Weekend fun also includes food and I have been really lax lately and need to get completely back on track.� Wedding meant wedding cake and ice cream (best wedding cake I have ever had!).� Yesterday involved too much bread.� My scale this morning showed a two pound loss which surprised the hell out of me (but I am still losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for the last year) but I won't argue.� So, I need to focus on less snacking. Even though the snacks are not too bad for me�most of the time, they are primarily empty calories, meaning they are of no healthy use to my body.� Multi grain pretzels are not giving me essential vitamins or anything; yes, it is fine to indulge in them here and there but my here and there has been all over the place lately.

I took a scary plunge today and signed up for a 5K on May 29th (Holy Crap, still cannot believe I did that!).� Basically this means I need to get my ass outside and running over the course of the next month as my outside stamina is not brilliant.� Tod and I ran outside on Friday and I can run maybe a half mile before having to walk for a few minutes.� Nothing wrong with that.� I want to stress that for any runner wannabes but I want to improve on that in order to challenge myself, which means getting outside more than running on the treadmill.� I plan on an outside run today after work providing it is not pouring down rain.� Wet is fine, drizzle is doable, treachall downpour not so much.� So, anyone want to run/walk this puppy with me?�Leisl?� Tod?� Anyone?� I plan to run as far as I can, and walk when I need to.� I don't care if I run, walk or crawl across the finish line last, I just want to finish.� I have not been working towards speed but distance, so the goal is to just do it.� So who is with me?� Oh and the proceeds go to getting clean, drinkable water to communities that need it, so that should inspire someone, I would think.� And if that doesn't do it, you get a free shirt. Go to Project 320 to sign up.� It only cost $20.

That's it for today, peeps.� Happy Monday and only four more days till the weekend!


  1. Great job on signing up for the 5K! It's always been my goal to finish. :)

  2. Way to go on the 5K! You've been doing 5K's on the treadmill.. it will get easier and easier... I'm sure this time next year you'll be telling us you took the plunge and doing a 10K or half marathon! :-)

  3. I totally think you can rock the 5K... seems like it would be easier to run it in reality than on the treadmill. I guess the only part would be getting the pace set so that you are comfortable with it... which the treadmill regulates for you. You can do this!!! And I can't wait to hear how proud you are at the finish line!
