Monday, November 20, 2006

A Hair Story

With this being "Hair Story Week" over at Crazy Aunt Purl's place, I have a little story of my own.  Ya'll know what my mood has been like with the pms from hell (Feeling better today thankfully), so last night, I headed out to Shell's so she could color and highlight my hair.  I found my first gray hair on my 25th birthday and have been coloring it ever since, and I was way past due as the gray roots were really showing.  I had decided on the highlighting as well because I felt that I needed a change.

Got to Shell's and we headed out to the drugstore to pick up color.  I go for anything that has auburn in it, so after much price comparing, we finally settled on one.  Highlight stuff was a bit foreign to me as I had never done this to myself, so we picked out one that should put chestnut highlights in my hair.  Everything else they  had was blonde and I didn't want to go that drastic.

My hair is VERY thick and despite the fact that I recently had a bunch of my length cut off, I always need two boxes of color to get the job done.  Shell had done that before, so that was the easy part, but during that process she made the remark of "I think you're going to have to come back another night for the highlights as we are coloring this.  I don't think we should do both on your hair in one night."  Well, me and the pms...not so much agreeing. 

I dug out the highlight instructions while the color sat on my head and insisted I could not find anything stating not to highlight after coloring.  Shell called her mom (who highlights Shell's hair) and her mom consulted with a beautician friend and called us back.  The consensus was not to highlight the same night.  I think at that point Shell was sure I would come to my senses though she boldly stated that she would do whatever I wanted.  I'm not sure she was expecting my answer of "We're doing it."

My hair has always been my hair.  I perm it, color it, cut it short, grow it long, etc.  My feeling is that if I screw it up, it grows back and I'm gonna do what I want to do with it.  Period.  Minimal fear for me, which was a good thing as Shell was more than slightly frightened.  I continued to cajole and assure her that no matter what happened to my locks, it would be all my fault.  I even offered to sign a waver dissolving her of all responsibility.  We highlighted.  She was sparse at first, but I kept checking the mirror and directing her as to where to put more.  It was so funny (we had of course, already rinsed out the color crap, and completely dried my hair before using the highlighting kit) as the highlight stuff goes on blue so you can see where you put it.  I was sure I was gonna resemble one of those little old ladies with blue hair when it was all said and done.

The wait before rinsing is 45 minutes, and during that time we decided that the worse case scenario would be that it wouldn't show up at all on my freshly colored hair.  Shell kept trying to peer through the streaks of blue to see if anything was happening (obviously she was unable to see anything) and about that time, I found some fine print in the instructions that said "Can be applied on freshly colored hair."  HA!  So we rinsed and it showed up and I like it.  There are moments I think the highlights look slightly orange, but I think that is just me getting used to it. 

Please ignore the fact that my makeup is gone for the day and my eyes look like they want to sleep.  What do ya think of the highlights?

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