Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wish I could wipe the grin off my face

I have a secret.  I have a secret.  I wish I could tell ya'll what it was, but I don't want to jinx it in any way.  Look for big news on December 10th!  I actually don't really believe in the power of a "jinx" but I do believe in people who may want to make trouble (none of my regular readers and none of my friends.  Ya'll I will probably tell face to face but this is nothing I am willing to put out in blogland until it is all finalized).

To all my fellow bloggers that I read, my deepest apologies.  I am way behind on reading but am hoping to catch up over the holiday weekend.  This week has been busy and today I was barely on the computer due to kitty knitting and grocery shopping.  Tomorrow, I have to journey to Frederick to Costco as we buy a lot of our meat in bulk to freeze as it is so much cheaper to get it there.  Jarrit's 7th birthday is Monday, so we are having his party at Chuck E Cheese on Sunday.  Yes, lots going on!

It's also about time to break out the Christmas decorations (and take down the Halloween decorations.  heh.) and that will probably take place on Friday as the kids should be away and I in no way go out shopping on Black Friday.  I did that twice in my life and then gave it up for Lent....and for the rest of my life.  The last time I ventured out on Black Friday, I only went to one store....The Walmart!  They had televisions on sale and as the Brit and I were just starting out, he wanted a small television for the bedroom.  I had to get up at 5:00am, which goes against all I believe in, to be there for the doors to open.  It was madness and mayhem beyond my wildest dreams.  It took nearly twenty minutes to get to the back of the store where the televisions were (generally about a minute walk tops) and when I got one, some chick stole my cart!  There was no way I could carry the thing, so I stood in the middle of the crowds guarding my item until I found a sales person who found me a cart.  By the time I finally got out of that store, I was cured from ever shopping on the day after Thanksgiving again!  No sir-ee, I save my shopping for late at night once the mall starts staying open till 11:00, as fewer people are out and about then.

One Thousand Things

71. A secret!
72. God's amazing grace and His constant watch over us.
73. For my mom
74. a relaxing night knitting while watching "House"
75. Friends who make me laugh
76. A good medical report back on Paula's son, Dane
77. For knowing the truth even when other people would lie about us
78. Excitement
79. bedroom slippers with soles that I can wear out if I'm not going any place I have to get out of the car.
80. Clean clothes
81. Anticipation of a new camera
82. Christmas surprises
83. Sugar Snap Peas
84. Scented candles
85. An amazing picture Mandy took of the boys
86. Hair compliments from my hubby and my mom
87. Crazy Aunt Purl's hair story week
88. A warm down comforter
89. Sunshine on crisp mornings
90. Being God's daughter

Gee, only 910 more to go.  I'm in so much trouble.....

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