Friday, November 24, 2006

Why is it.....

....that in order to really deep clean a house, you have to tear it up first?  I spent part of today Christmas decorating, which leads to cleaning (putting away some things until the Christmas season is over so I can put out Christmas stuff, or in other words, dusting etc), which leads to organizing.  Though it is 10:15 at night, I am actually only on a break and plan to do a little more shortly. 

Every Christmas season, we do a holiday open house and this year it is on the 29th of December.  I'm trying to get some of the fussy cleaning (definition=stuff I only do a couple of times a year) out of the way so I don't have to mess with it next month.  Primarily that means cleaning up clutter and my dining room/knitting room is a cluttered mess.  That room is my catch all room and it is sadly showing that fact.  So, I am currently waiting for the Brit to go up to bed, so I can do a little more work and heaven help me, run a vacuum (an obsession of mine).

But I did get my nativity up today and a few other things and once I have done a clean up, I'll snap some pictures for y'all. Also ventured out mildly into Black Friday shopping!  VERY mildly!  We hit up The Abundant Garden which is not in or near a mall, so there were no crowds and I was able to pick up some little gifts for the Sisters where we knit.  Robyn needed to go to a craft store for card stock, so we did AC Moore, which was a bit more insane, but not too bad.  The worst was the woman two ladies ahead of us in line who kept addding items from the counter to her order everytime the poor sales girl had her totalled! 

Okay, that's it for now...back to the Cinderella-ing!

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