Sunday, April 6, 2008

Final Countdown

9 more days.

One more weekend.

One more grocery shopping trip.

One more staff meeting.

One more praise band rehearsal.

Three more laundry days.

Five more dinners to cook.

Six more school days.

Nine more sleeps.

Holy hell, it is getting here fast!

My nerves are coming and going more often now; no full blown panics, though I'm sure they will happen next Tuesday morning about the time we start to roll on down to the OR.  

I did meet with the anesthesia nurse on Friday and that went well.  She went over everything and also gave me my post-op instructions so we could go over them as she said people are so foggy and overwhelmed after being in the hospital.  She went over everything that would happen from the time I arrived until the time I was released and hopefully there won't be any surprises.  The really awesome thing is that she told that they very recently opened a bariatric wing and she believes all the rooms are private.  That rocks my world!  

What was a bit unnerving was filling out an Advance Directive, which for those of you who don't know, it is a requirement in the state of Maryland to fill out this form that states that in the event I am not able to make my own medical decisions, who can make them for me, and it also allows me to chose what I want.  It's finished, and signed and witnessed, but kind of left me feeling a little creeped out.

I have lists upon lists typed up; what I need to do each day this week, notes for Kelly and Shelley, who are going to handle my kids the two evenings I am in the hospital until The Brit gets home, what I still need to pack (Yes, I already have pj pants, chapstick and a small bottle of lotion in my overnight bag), the call list for when I am out of surgery, a final grocery shopping list for this week.  Tomorrow at work, I will make out a list of what I need to accomplish in the church over the next six work days (yes, I am working the day before surgery).  

Tell me again how amazing this will be.  How not too bad surgery is.  Yes, I have asked it before, but it is slowly becoming a reality now.  

And that is a tiny bit scary.

Oh and P.S  Remember Sue and the discussions about where are all the post op people.  Apparently, there was a Bariatric Ball thrown in Michigan as a celebration for bariatric patients.  450 were scheduled to attend.  


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