Friday, April 18, 2008

Update from the Hospital

Well, I'm still here, but I'll see if I can't give you a lowdown on the experience in a nutshell and I promise to blog it better later. 

I'm doing well.  Surgery was relatively uneventful and I don't remember much about Tuesday evening or Wednesday, other than the incredible headache I had on Wednesday.  If I spoke to you that day, my apologies if I don't really recall it.  Then on Thursday the tables of how I felt physically began to turn; I walked more and even had a shower.  Of course, Thursday was the day I was supposed to go home, and here it is Friday and I'm still here.  Seems my white blood cell count decided to elevate yesterday to 14000 and today it went up to 15000.  They ordered a chest xray and a leak test and the leak test came back fine (thank God!)  I have not yet heard the results of the chest xray yet.  My surgeon was in and informed me I was a trouble maker (He's pretty awesome; I really like him).  He said my leak test looked good but he could just not send me home with the elevated wbc count.  So, I've been on antibiotics and trying to use my stupid breathing machine and doing plenty of walking.  I really don't feel too badly other than pain in my left side, which from all I've read is normal.  I am still having drain removal anxiety and any of you who have gone before who can tell me it isn't that bad it would be much appreciated. 

So now we are looking at Saturday for hopefully being released but they don't do blood till five am (does anyone know why that is?  Nothing like being woken up to be used a pin cushion, especially after you get such a great night's sleep in the hospital.  The beds are sooo comfortable! *cough, cough*)  I've had one or two melt down moments but none today to speak of.  They seem to be less likely the better I feel.  I'm just really ready to go home.

Thanks to Laura for updating and Laura, please continue to keep an eye on it in the event I don't blog over the next few days.  Thanks to everyone for the prayers and keep them coming and to my girls who have helped out so much with my kids over the last few days.  Ya'll rock and continue to rock.

I'll keep everyone updated.

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