Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Passion

I have been rediscovering my love of books lately.

I'm not a deep reader.  I have kids, so anything too complicated is out of the question.  If a book is complex enough that I need to take notes in order to not lose track of what is going on while being interrupted fifty-eleven times by kids, then it is of no use to me.  I don't want to have to overly concentrate; I want to be taken away for awhile.  Kind of like Calgon without having to get wet.

I also hate historical anything. A story has to take place pretty darn close to my here and now, or at least in a time period within my lifetime.  If the heroines are wearing dresses and talking weird, you lose my interest.  I just can't relate.  I know many a reader loves to be transported back in time, I'm just not one of them.

So a week ago, I finished this:

I read the first book a year or so ago which was simply titled "The Friday Night Knitting Club" and I love how Kate Jacobs evolves her characters.  You don't have to be a knitter to enjoy these books; they are more about relationships among women; with each other and with themselves.

My next most recent obssession almost makes me laugh.  Books that are popular among the teenage female and apparently, many adult females.  My friend, Mandy, was raving about these books to me several weeks ago, but I kind of smiled politely and went on my way.  Then PK, in my youth group, was also singing their praises, but as I had heard the books were more for teenage girls, I was just pleased, as I always am, when young folks are enjoying reading.  I mean, I'll take a good book over a movie any day of the week. 

Then last week, I kind of sat up and took interest when my friend Shelley told me she was reading this series.  I told her I had it on hold at the library (curiosity was getting the best of me) and she informed me I would not be able to put it down.

She was right.

I checked it out of the library a week ago and read the first chapter.  I was slightly intrigued but not impressed.  I did not pick it up again until Thursday night and then I had trouble prying myself out of it to even go to bed that night.  Friday, all I could think of was getting off work and being able to go home and devour more of "Twilight" and that's what happened, until I finished it about 1:30 Saturday morning.  Great read.  Probably more for females than guys, but if you are a romantic, you'll love them.  I admit to having had vampire fetishes in the past.  I was a huge fan of Anne Rice's Vampire series, so Stephenie Meyer is right up my alley.  A chivalrous vampire.  Perfect.

I had to go purchase book two today when I found myself mourning the loss of finishing the first book.  I've already started "New Moon" though I don't want to read it so fast as I want to be able to take it to the hospital with me Tuesday. 

Only two more days until my burper is removed.  So very excited!


  1. I just bought Friday Night Knitting Club this weekend - I also got American Bride. (it's set in the 40's - is that too historical?) I think the second one is sort of a fictional look at someone along the lines of Jackie Kennedy - but I'm not totally sure on that.

    I can't wait to read - I'm sure I'll get a bit of time for that while John is in the hospital and recovering next week.

  2. I also meant to say that I sat in Target and stared at the Twilight books and talked myself out of it - I think it might be best for me to resist, but it's getting harder and harder because everyone I know has just about read them now.

  3. I will admit after much pressure I caved and read the series. My problem was that I enjoyed every character except Bella...I found her whiney and annoying. There is only so much "I am not worthy" that I can handle...whining is my number one pet peeve anyway, be it someone I know personally or a character in a book...whiney is whiney. Unfortunatley I spent most of my time thinking, you are right Bella, you aren't good enough or it's too bad Edward can't read her thoughts because he would probably take her out she is so annoying or the general please make her shut up...I am a patient reader by nature, I read very quickly but I don't mind a story that meanders it's way around to the point. I did finish the series under extreme duress and by the end I didn't hate Bella as much as I had in the first 3 books. In general I enjoyed her writing style but I am not sure, for me, if it was enough to make up for hating the heroine. I am just glad to be done with
