Sunday, November 23, 2008

Are We Just Cut and Paste Girls?

As sort of a continuation from the newspaper article and my points about why the guy did not tell the reporter up front that he'd had gastric bypass, you have to read Jil's experience last week

This bothered me a lot and though it also made me thankful that such a terrible remark has not so far been directed at me, it also makes me A) wonder how long it will be before someone does make a hurtful remark in my direction and wonder if anything similar has been thought in my direction from anyone I would consider a friend.

I'd like to think not.  Fact is, my friends and I are in an older age bracket than that of Jil and her friends (I think Jil is in her twenties, where I'm in my forties) and think we are above that.  I know that Jil is also above that, as I have had glimpses of Jil's heart by reading her blog, but I have no idea how old her co-workers are, nor their maturity level.  But i I know my friends are above such comments; what about my acquaintances? 

Not that it really matters and I know that.  What matters the most about the fact that I had gastric bypass surgery is that I am happy and healthy.  Anyone else's negative vibes are just that; their own negative vibes.  But it still gripes me that Jil or anyone else has to suffer such a terrible remark.

One of Jil's commentors remarked that some women had treated her the same way about her cesarean section!  Excuse me?  So not only does gastric bypass not count as real weight loss, but a C-section doesn't count as a real baby?  Or does it not count as real delivery?

Why can't people think before they say such awful things that can be hurtful to someone else?  Why do people think that the way they do things is the only way they can be done? 

And what exactly does "cut and paste girl" mean?  That we cut our stomachs and pasted...what?  What's really sad is that I doubt the girl who said it just thought of it on the spot. 

Jil, like me, Kim, Lacy, Meghan, Susan and every other WLS patient earned their weight loss every bit as much as anyone who does Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig or whatever. We work at it.  We work out.  We watch what we eat. Just like they do.  Maybe all people who lose weight any way are a form of "cut and paste".  They cut things out of their diets...the paste part remains a mystery to me though.

Jil, hold your head high.  You are now living your life and you have so much to offer the world.  Cruel comments from immature people don't deserve any of your heartache.  We C&P gals are sticking together and sticking it to anyone who wants to hint that we did things "the wrong way".

Oh and how much does My Brit love me?  He bought me a new vacuum today.  He figured it was money well spent for his sanity as the dirt on the carpets was really freaking me out.  I was nearly giddy once he unboxed it and I got to use it.  The twitching has finally subsided.

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