Monday, November 17, 2008


I worked my arms today with the free weights and now can barely get my coffee cup to my lips.  Guess it did something that the circuit machines were missing!

Today was insanely hectic at work.  Whenever the place is hoppin' with people, it keeps me hoppin' with folks wanting "out of the norm" things, which is fine and I love all of these people, but man, it made a Monday crazy! 

Haven't heard anything from Susan since she got out of surgery, but I'm unsure if she has email at home or only at work, and obviously, she isn't at work right now.  Hey, Stephanie, have you seen her?  How's she doing?  Keep her walking!  Hopefully Susan is moving right along and getting acclimated to her new life, though the beginning is really rough with food and trying to get in anywhere close to enough protein and by close, I think I maybe got in 20-30% of what I needed in the early days.  Though some folks will say "Oh it must be wonderful to not be hungry at all!" the answer is "No, not really."  The reason being is that our bodies still need food, and more importantly protein, so not being hungry makes it hard to eat but then our brains are constantly badgering us with that "60 grams of protein" number that we know we aren't getting, and blah, blah, blah. 

Don't stress it, Susan, it will come.  Do what you can right now, as much protein as you can, but don't stress over the magic protein number.  You're going to be striving for it over time.  This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Kim just celebrated her one year surgery anniversary, so go and check out her Before and Afters and see how far she has come and then leave her a comment! Congratulations, Kim!  You're rocking the weight loss!

Tod is doing really well!  I stopped by after the gym today and brought him some sugar and stayed to visit.  It's been wonderful to catch up with him after so long of barely seeing him due to schedules and cats.  We really need to do better!

Okay, I have to head out to fix eggs for the kids for dinner (The Brit has a council meeting tonight so I brown bagged his dinner for him) and then make my To Do list for the week with JJ's slumber party.  I don't want to get behind this week or the end of it will be hell!

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