Friday, November 7, 2008

On the Road Again

So in a few short hours, I am Philadelphia bound with one other chaperone and four teenage girls to the Revolve Tour.  I've been really looking forward to this event and am happy to say that my youth girls have been as well.  PK has texted me a few times this week with a countdown, ie "Two more days!" and I'm doubly excited by their excitement.

We have an amazing youth group.  Though small, they are just the neatest kids and I will be sorry when they all grow up and move on with life.  I'll miss our guys this weekend as this is the first thing that we have done that just involves the girls, but the opportunity to take them to Revolve was just too great to pass up.  I think they will take so much away when tomorrow is over; at least that is my prayer for them.

So pray for a safe trip for us.  I have never driven to Philly before and am not the biggest fan of big city driving, even though I do just fine with it for the most part.  Pray for the girls to get the messages that God wants them to get this weekend.  Each girl is different and each teenager carries their own issues and insecurities and I just pray that something in the next 30 hours touches each heart in a positive way.

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