Sunday, January 11, 2009

? and Me

So yesterday did improve after the morning bedroom session.  Apparently they are learning that mom means business!

Due to a scheduling conflict, we went to see "Marley and Me" yesterday.  Great movie, loved it, knew it as I had read the book a few years back (actually, the Brit and I listened to it on iPod on the way to New Jersey for a long weekend away but reading/ listening, eh, sue me).  So, here is what I have decided (only in fun, sort of as I am kind of serious but I don't know if it will ever happen):

I have a plan in my head that I have been making up since yesterday, despite what the youth group said today which I will get to in a minute.  I want a puppy.  A rescue puppy, one day.  A Lab or a Golden, but I will not pay a breeder when so many dogs, even purebreds need homes.  My plan entails my wonderful hubby getting me a puppy for my birthday some year as not that my birthdays have been bad, but just memorable.  We haven't gone away on any amazing trip or anything like that, as lots of people don't and though birthdays are generally pleasant, a puppy would be really, really memorable.  A male puppy.  Bailey (yes, I have even named him).  My little made up story in my head includes me going on walks now that I am in much better health with Bailey.  I would not be worried about strangers because Bailey would not allow anyone to attack me.  Yes, he would need to be housebroken and I would need to poop scoop and that is okay.  I will train him and love him and keep him for my very own, George (Robyn, what was that from???).  I'm very excited about my future puppy!

The youth group today, when I told them I wanted a puppy, said "Well, The Brit is away for two weeks, just let it be there when he gets home!  What's he going to do!"  Kirk said they got severa of their cats that way; when papa was away!  But I would not do that.

I also think I may look into seeing if I can volunteer an afternoon a week at the SPCA.  I was thinking of finding some sort of volunteer work anyway, but I don't know what their minimum time requirements are.  We'll see.

Does he not have my name written all over him?


  1. I'm all for going the rescue/shelter route..and don't get all hung up on a "pure bred", there's some adorable mutts out there. Spend time on - that's how I found mine. Remember though - a little puppy is like having a baby in the house. And there's the housetraining to go with it. Toby was a breeze as he was 6 months when we got him...Keyser was 8 weeks and that was a nightmare and we still have to get up at 3-4 a.m. to take him out and he still has accidents. It doesn't matter what kind of schedule we have him on-and he's a year old now!! Sometimes a little older goes a long your research!!

  2. "I'm gonna love him and squeeze him and call him George."

    That's from the Looney Tunes short The Abominable Snow Rabbit (1961), directed by Chuck Jones.

    Hugo, the Abominable Snowman, was basically patterned after Lenny Small, one of the main characters in John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men. Hence the line, "I'll call him George."

    I was just quoting that line to someone yesterday!

  3. I totally got the Abominable Snow Man reference!

    I think it's a great idea! I love my dogs... and I think the boys would get a kick out of having a dog too.
