Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Belching, is thy name gall bladder?

So late this morning, I got this email:

Hi Kim,
Dr. Schweitzer feels that it could possibly be your gall bladder, so we need to get a gall bladder u/s. Please give me your fax number and I'll fax it to you. thanks

Great.  I know nothing about gall bladders.  If mine needs to come out does it need to be a right now kind of thing because The Brit leaves for Australia on Friday for two weeks.  If I wait till he comes back to have surgery, does that mean belching like a sailor for two more weeks or is there a med they can give me?  I am also starting to have some soreness around my tummy...almost feels like a pulled muscle.  Is this a symptom?  I'm assuming my RNY surgeon should do this surgery as he is familar with where stuff is in there now as he rearranged it the first time, so that means a trip to Baltimore.  Is it outpatient surgery or will I have to stay overnight?  How soon before I can workout again?  So many questions!

I emailed Pat back and asked her to call me but haven't heard from her yet and at this point probably won't until tomorrow.  She is impossible to track down by phone for though she is great at what she does, she floats between a few offices, seeing both pre-ops and post-ops.

This could not be happening at a worse time. 


  1. Kim, you really must have them do a HIDA scan... it's the best way for them to diagnose problems with gallbladders.

    Mine was completely outpatient - I was there early in the morning, and home by early afternoon. The recovery is MUCH quicker than the RNY too - a couple of days and you're good as new.

    Email me if you have any other questions...happy to share my experience.

  2. Kim-I should have remembered (but I try to block that part of my life out! Ha!)about your symptom and the gall bladder. . .that was the same beginning symptom that Ralphie-Poo had and the tender tummy too! If you need anything please email me and let me know. BTW, we still need to go to lunch. . .we have such similar family circumstances with the children etc., that I feel quite akin to you. I hope you feel better soon and that you get the answers you need. Love ya, Leisl

  3. If it's not causing you pain (and even if it was!), you can schedule it whenever you want! A little burping between now and the, but people will have to understand!

  4. Hi Kim, oh I am feeling so bad for you but if a surgery means relieving the burping or pain you must have it done...Kim, you are a trooper like no one I know and will weather this storm.
    I'll keep you in my thoughts.
