Monday, October 13, 2008


Where in the name of all that is just and good did the weekend go?  I swear, I blinked and it was Sunday night and hell week, aka, the week before the party from hell, was upon me.  Blech...can I tell you how much I am dreading it?

So after my whole post about exercising five days a week, I realized that it may take a miracle for me to get to the gym tomorrow.  I have to work, then have a nail and hair appointment at 1:00.  Working out with tackly nails could be bad but I may risk it.  Because also tomorrow, I have to fix dinner for the family, then go decoration shopping with my sister in law (one of the Chosen Ones) and then I head to Paula's for the night as she has a medical test on Wednesday morning early that she asked me to take her to.  I also have no freaking idea what time this decoration shopping is taking place or how long it will take, though maybe working out after the shopping is a possibility. 

I know I will neither die nor gain twenty pounds from missing a workout, but it is just not in my rules to allow it.  I can't make up the time on Saturday due to the party and on Sunday, I plan on lying around and moaning about how glad I am it is over and I certainly don't want anything to interfere with that.  I have been dreading this party since July so I own the celebration on Sunday, thankyouverymuch.

If I close my eyes will someone just tell me when it is over?

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