Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Know what I hate?

So. I went to the gym this evening because of having lunch with the family that was leaving to go home.  I walk in, and there, leaning on the counter requesting towels is my gynecologist.  I hate this because I never know what to say or do.  On one hand, if I say, "Hi Dr. G!" then everyone who knows who he is, knows he has probably seen all my girly bits.  If I ignore him, I feel rude.  After all, we do have a pretty intimate relationship.  Anyone who sticks a gloved finger up my backside, well, we should probably be on a first name basis.

What happens is actually even more awkward.  He looks at me and I politely nod and he gives a infinitesimal sort of smile, with only the smallest hint of recognition in his eyes. 

Then I giggle.

Because the thought flies through my mind that if I lay down on the floor, all spread eagle, he would suddenly nod his head and say "Kimberly!  How are you?"

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