Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bucked off the bronco again

I swear, I am like one step away from becoming Scrooge.

Don't get me wrong; the true meaning of Christmas, I am all about that.  All this other busy crap that goes along with it?  Bahfreakinghumbug.

Why do I feel like I am single handedly trying to make Christmas happen at my house? Shopping, baking, wrapping, cooking, planning...I've got it all.  Throw in what feels like two dozen rehearsals and several thousand church bulletins and you have a recipe for a higher dosage of Zoloft, hohoho.

I've been at it from morning till night and don't feel like I am making a dent.  My intestinal bug is not quite gone and Aunt Flo is here so I am not anywhere near 100% yet and The Brit blew out his knee in an accident yesterday so he is in pain and grouchy and the kids have been relatively useless around here and can't seem to so much as wash a freakin' cup they dirty.  I don't understand the mentality of "I don't feel like washing it so I'll leave it for mom."  Do they think *I* feel like the washing it?  No, but I do it because no one else will.  I'd be more successful training a cat to wash up than a kid. This mentality of "Mom will do it" has got to go.  Mom has everything else to do while you two go up the road and play video games.  Is common courtesy really a thing of the past?  I've tried to teach it but they just don't seem to get it.

I could have gotten more done today had I felt better but I need to start feeling better because I am running out of time.  Ya know, give me that delightful week between Christmas Day and New Year's Day any day.  The kids will be away, I have library books to read, a few days away and what is looking to be a fun get together New Year's Eve. Can we just skip to December 26th, please?  While we're at it can someone wave a magic wand and get my stuff done for me so I can quit stressing about it not getting done? 

It's all so wrong.  The first Christmas that we are celebrating was peaceful and quiet. Mary may have been a bit stressed out with having to give birth but that had to go hand in hand with the anticipation of becoming a new a perfect child, the lucky woman. Bet Jesus did dishes.  Anyway, I digress.  Herod was probably a little stressed out as well but who cared?  Everyone came to marvel at this little baby in a manger.  No where does the Bible talk about buying presents for kids who can't do dishes or shopping amongst really rude at times people.  How did we get so far off course?  A time of joy and I have one big headache.

I think I need to rethink some things for next year.

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