Saturday, December 6, 2008


I hate this keyboard.  I have to hit the keys VERY deliberately in order for them work, so typing takes twice as long.

Anyway, Ms. Lee, the "advisor" from yesterday decided to write me back.  She says this:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! They are always welcome on any and every article I write.
 I HAVE done my homework on all weight loss surgeries and any other type of weight loss option as I have written countless articles on the subject as well as a well-written 176 page book to support facts, studies....and YES my expressed opinion!!!

I also work with the best professional health professionals in the WORLD that make sure I am well-versed on any health subject I choose to write about!

That is MY right! If you don't like and/or agree with any statements I make, you could always choose to cover your eyes and not read! That is what is so beautiful about this country!

I know what the surgeons whose main concern is (money) feed their patients by way of information before advising the surgery....I am quite familiar with the process as many of my clients that have had the surgery end up coming to ME and using my services to heal themselves and learn the real secret to weight loss - IF they are blessed to survive. I personally know many who have not!

I will tell you -like I have told many before you, and certainly any that come after you - when you start tampering with GOD'S handiwork...manipulating body parts, you are looking for Will happen inevitably when this rule is violated!

Good Health To You!

Makeisha Lee

I hate it with a passion when people start throwing God into the mix simply to try to justify their own judgments. Her article certainly didn't strike me as Christian when she judged Randy Jackson and anyone else who has had WLS. And who are these "best health professionals in the WORLD" she cites? That would be like me writing an article and saying that  any obese person who did not get WLS is asking for trouble and you know what?  I'm betting any amount of money I could find "the best health professionals in the WORLD" to back me.

I responded with this:

But aren't heart transplants, liver transplants, etc, all "tampering with God's handiwork"?  People would be manipulating body parts by replacing them because they were no longer working for them.
Fact is I know several people who have had this surgery, myself included, some as far out as ten years, with NO ill effects.  And you have a sense of "weight loss surgery is the easy way out" in your article where for some people, MANY people, it is the ONLY way out.  I can speak for myself and people I know that we have tried the dieting and working out for most of our lives.  But when you are 3, 4, and 5 years old, an active child and are still overweight, leading to obesity, well, there is medical information that this can be genetic!  That bit of medical information was not addressed in your article.
I'd have felt better had you maybe mentioned that there are people this surgery DOES indeed work for.  And to insinuate that anyone who had surgery should not be commended on their weight loss is not justified.  I spend five days a week, 2-3 hours a day at the gym, working!  I do not get to eat what I want; my food intake is limited, so my choices have to be healthy ones so I get the most bang for my buck.
I can say 100% that this surgery is NOT for everyone.  There are some who should not do it, should never consider it.  But to say it is not for ANYONE is also not true.
Thanks for your time and for hearing me out. 
Merry Christmas

I'll let you all know if there are any new developments.  Really, this whole thing was probably a waste of my time, but it did give me blog fodder for two days.

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