Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ouch and Blah

I woke up today with numerous issues.

I was first off sore as hell from yesterday's workout with Jerry;  I have not had aches like this since I first started working out.  That on its own would have been okay had I not also woken up with the flu.  Headache and other achiness not associated from muscle working.  Then of course, I had to go to court.

I was due to be there at 2:00 and arrived with The Brit about 15 minutes early and then sat through other cases for almost two hours.  What I learned in that time is that some people should never touch alcohol because they can't handle it, especially in the quantities these folks were drinking it.  The couple sitting in front of us kept looking back at us and we would all shake our heads.  Finally our case came up and we saw them bring Tim out (he has been in custody) and of course after nearly two hours, he requested a jury trial and that was kind of how I thought things would go.  When they took him out, he smirked in our direction but once I got outside the courtroom, I realized he was smirking at the couple in front of us.  After a brief conversation we found out these were the people who owed the horse farm; the other couple Tim had robbed.  It was even worse for them because he played them as a kid who was trying to turn his life around and these folks helped him out A lot.  Bought him a car, he ate meals with them etc and he was stealing from them.  $2000 in cash and nearly the same in jewelry which thankfully, she got back.  The four of talked for nearly twenty minutes and exchanged phone numbers as we will be seeing each other again at the jury trial. They even told us that Tim had stolen from his own family and they had washed their hands of him.  No doubt he is going down eventually as the case against him is too tight.

Finally got home and snuggled down in bed for two hours and awoke freezing and with head still pounding.  I hope this is the flu as at least it will be gone tomorrow.

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