Friday, May 23, 2008

Odds and Ends

So I'm really having an issue being interested in food at all right now.  Other than that bit of grilled chicken fajita on Wednesday, I have had next to no interest in anything other than fruit.  And though fruit is not at all a bad thing, it isn't so big on the protein.  I'm having a lot of problems with meat in general all of a sudden.  It doesn't seem to go down all that well and it just doesn't taste good to me at the moment.  Ugh.  I'm going to have to mix up a bloody protein drink in the morning.  Ugh.

On a more positive note, I am starting to like my face.  For years, my face and neck were sort of one entity and though I still need to lose a bit more neck, you can definately see a separation now.  My face looks smaller and there are even moments where I think I look a little bit pretty.  I've never really seen myself that way before, because it was hard to see past the weight.

On another awesome note, one of the kids dropped out from going on the mission trip and as we are locked in to the number of people going, guess who can now go?  Woot!  I am so excited!

The Brit has to be at the hospital at 8:50 on Tuesday for surgery; not as early as we'd been led to believe, so we don't need to get a hotel in Baltimore at the end of a holiday weekend thankfully.

Tomorrow is the youth car wash and my inlaws arrive from Florida, so all in all, a busy day.  I think I'll get some sleep.

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