Friday, May 2, 2008


I'm having a really off day today.

I'm fairly certain it is PMS related, however, there is no other safe place to throw a mini-tantrum other than here, so my apologies but it must happen.  Today, I am absolutely sick and bloody tired of protein shakes and food that looks like Fancy Feast.  I can't seem to make a protein shake taste good anymore and when you aren't even hungry who wants to grind up normal looking food to make it look like porridge? I don't have any kind of urge to eat anything BAD for me; I just have an urge to have something that looks freakin' normal!  No, I don't regret the surgery and I'm not even sure I'm really mourning food; I think I'm just mourning a lack of choices.  It's no longer a "What am I hungry for?" it's a "What can I grind up and make tolerable?"

I am pleased as punch with my surgery outcome so far.  I am happy to be down 17 pounds.  I am thrilled to be feeling as good as I am.  It's a case of not being hungry, knowing I have to eat, but nothing looks even remotely good kind of thing.  I'm quite happy drinking my water, thank you very much.  I fixed crab and shrimp mush for dinner and couldn't even eat it.  So, I managed a couple of bites of cottage cheese instead.  At least I didn't have to puree it.  That has been the joy of oatmeal the last two mornings; I can have it the way it is supposed to look!  I'll bet if all the restaurants showed their commercials with their exact same menu, other pureed, this country would not have a weight problem!  Cuz nobody'd want to eat dat shit. 

Tomorrow has to be better, right?  Maybe tonight, I'll surf for WLS recipes and try to find something tolerable.  I still have two more weeks of this stuff!


Oh and Meg, I think we are Orlando bound the week of the 12th!  Can we meet up at some point??

I leave you with this video.  I discovered Godtube today.  A lot like Youtube but Christian and I was surfing it and found this.  Make sure your volume is up!

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