Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I'm still feeling like pond scum.

The worst thing about being sick in the summer is that the kids are home, so there is no time to actually REST, because I have to be there to break up the bickering and to make sure my oldest isn't doing stuff he isn't supposed to do.  I don't know what it is about this kid.  He is as bright as a spark; an honor roll student, and during the school year, he does really well in all aspects of life.  I'm thinking that due to his ADHD and the structure that goes with school, that is the reason he does so well.  Cuz, lemme tell ya, as soon as summer hits...BAM!  He is in trouble and doing things he KNOWS he is not supposed to do.  Idle hands and all that I suppose. 

I let him get to me a little while ago, which I have been managing not to do.  I've been trying really hard to parent without negative emotions, but when I'm sick and feeling rotten, it all goes down the tubes.  No, I didn't yell, but what I should have done was just state the facts and then be done with it.  But sick makes me feel lousy and frustrated and when all I want to do is curl up someplace and sleep until I feel better but knowing I can't do that, doesn't help.  I admit to having a much shorter fuse though when not feeling well, so at some point tonight, I will get to sleep (still have to cook dinner and then off to Aaron's therapy) and then after that,  maybe I can reassess. 

The other part about being sick is that I have no desire to eat.  Food holds little interest for me right now anyway, but add sick to the picture and it gets even worse.  Needless to say, my food intake the last two days has sucked the big whompus, people (yeah, I way don't know what a whompus is, but it sounded good in the sentence).  60 grams of protein?  No even close. My hair should be falling out shortly, but at least that is one less thing I'll have to deal with.

Can you tell I'm in a mood?

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