Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Slightly Less Blah

I say this tentatively, but I think I might be turning a corner with the whole summer cold least one can hope.  I am certainly ready to take the corner and start feeling more like myself and less like the walking dead.

I have another wish.  To meet in person, my long time internet friend, Andrea.

Andie and I met several years ago on a fandom board and hit it off instantly.  We spent some time writing together but more importantly, we spent many nights on AIM just chatting for hours.  It was an instant friendship and we helped each other through some rough times.  A few years ago, we drifted apart a bit, but I never stopped thinking about her and trying to decide if I should contact her.  It's hard sometimes over the computer to know what people are thinking and I didn't want to come across as too needy.

I'm not sure how it happened, but we did get in contact again and we both admitted the number of times we had thought about contacting the other.  Now, though we don't speak daily, between kids and husbands, we are still very much in touch and every time I chat with her I am reminded of how much I genuinely like this person.  

So, wish #5 is to meet Andrea one day.

I went through this site today and printed out a bunch of recipes to try in the near future.  I tried one last night out of that cookbook I mentioned and though The Brit and the kids loved it, it made me gag.  Too much parsley or something but blech.  I'm trying really hard to be open to new things but I couldn't manage more than a bite, so yesterday was another day of sucking on the protein, though I did manage most of a protein shake last night.  Who would have thought that protein was such hard work!  I keep hoping the further out I get, the easier eating will be, but at just over two months out, so far it is still difficult. 

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