Friday, August 15, 2008


Wow.  The final weekend before school starts!  Can you believe it?  It's a beautiful thing. 

My friend, Andie, has been undergoing infertility treatments for the past many months and she is currently waiting for the results of her last IVF before she and her hubby take a break from it for a while.  Several years ago, the Brit and I started down this same path, undergoing IUIs in the hopes of conceiving.  I would have the procedure, and then my body would fake itself into thinking it was pregnant.   It was so weird; I would have nausea and several other symptoms and would be convinced that the procedure had worked, before reality would come crashing down on me when we found out it had failed again.  I would then spend the next two days crying and feeling like a complete failure for not being able to conceive a child.

I remember the heartache of the whole thing so vividly and I know that Andie will have her results on Monday.  Though it is not me going through it this time, when she told me what day her pregnancy test was, I immediately felt myself being on pins and needles for her.  Though I was never able to achieve pregnancy for myself, I so want this for her.  I know how desperately she wants to be a mother and knowing what I know of her, she would make an incredible mom. 

I have always thought that the reason God allowed some women to not be able to conceive was so that there would be be mothers for the children whose biological parents either didn't want them or couldn't care for them.  But even believing that doesn't make it any easier for a woman who wants to conceive her own child.  Eventually, I came to terms with that fact and had to ask myself the hard question of "what is most important?  That I am pregnant or that I am a mother?"  Some may say that is not a difficult question, but yet on so many levels, it is.

I hope you would join with me in praying for Andie and her husband over the next few days; that this time will be the miracle they have been praying for.

I leave you with a bit of amusement.  I have mentioned before that our local paper does a "Mail Call" where anyone can call in and leave their two cents about anything they want, whether it be personal or something that is going on in our country or in the world.  I add this with a little embarrassment because this comes straight out of my town, but yet it is too funny not to share:

"I seen this story in the paper about the Russian troops invading Georgia, and I just want to say that you liberals that believe in gun control better do a rethink, because Georgia ain't all that far from Maryland. That's all I got to say."

Yup, that's all I have to say too.

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