Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another Weekend Draws to a Close

We started painting JJ's room today, aka, the depths of hell.  The room was painted before the boys moved in, five and a half years ago, and for four years, both kids lived in there, before Aaron moved into the spare bedroom.  So the room they bothed lived in, wrote on the walls in, left dirty little handprints everywhere in, looks bad.  We got the walls on one side of the room done today, but I still have to do the trim and the doors and the ceiling needs to be done as well, before we can do the other side, as it all means moving furniture around.

I really want to get it done because next weekend I want to take a little trip to Whole Foods.  I hear lots of things about this store and the closest one to us is about 41 miles away.  I'm always looking for new stuff to fix or nibble on that is healthy and good for me, so I have high hopes of maybe finding a few alternatives.

I'm really struggling with my carb intake over the weekends.  Weekends screw me up something fierce, though I do think things will be better once warmer weather gets here, which encourages me to be more active.  But on weekends, I'm not as regimented as during the week.  I tend to nibble more, and mess around on the computer more,which encourages me to nibble on carbs.  If I'm reading, I don't eat, but again, most of my reading is during the week and not on Saturday or Sunday when kids are home all day, and the weather is too chilly for them to be outside.  I don't eat when I am outside working in the yard or walking around the park or biking somewhere.  I am insanely jealous of Meg who lives in Florida where it is WARM year round! 

I'm still having abdominal discomfort and I still have one incision that remains open and gross-looking.  I think I'm going to neosporin it in the morning and bandage it and see if that speeds up the process.

Goals for the week:

Get JJ's room finished.
Two kickboxing classes
Limit the stupid carbs!


  1. Don't be jealous... I'll soon be melting from extreme humidity! :)

    I feel ya on the weekend carbs... it's much easier during the week when there's a routine in place. As my counselor put it, "you just need a new routine for the weekends." Easier said than done!

  2. I was going to say - it's hot here in Texas too, but my weekends are harder than the routine of the week. It's not always what I eat either - it's missing meals and not getting in my full fluids that I need.

  3. You will absolutely LOVE Whole Foods. It's my favorite store. :)

    We had a chilly weekend in Texas, but nothing like you're used to. I hope you have some lovely weather soon! :)
